YOLO= you only live once (Jenni's contribution to the name of this blog) Elder Brown is only living once (for 2 years) in the beautiful West Indies, sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the good people there.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This week has felt really funny. It felt so long but it felt so short. We had a Zone Conference here with the St. Lucians. Or as I called them: Luciatards. President Mehr gave us some good things to use. We talked mainly about repentance. A way I have tried to see repentance is simply realigning our will with Heavenly Father's. Lot's of people see it as: "You are terrible and you need to change your life or you will go to Hell." I see it in President Utchdorf's eyes. If a flying plane is one degree off it will be the difference of flying to Moscow or Australia. Let's go to Moscow. That's where God wants us. We talked about how anger is just a second emotion to fear. We get mad after we almost die in a plane crash because we were scared that we almost died. Watch Men's hearts will fail them. It will kinda explain it. We also watched the video about the man that lost his wife and 2 kids from a drunk teenage driver but he forgave him. I really like one thing he said in there. The boy who did that in the video says that Chris wants him to pick a day and forget about what he had done and that he forgives him for causing the accident. That really made me think. When we invite people to be baptized we tell them a date. We tell them that we want them to pick a date and forget about their past life. It is such an amazing feeling to do that. There is a lot of drama in the branch so I think this will help the branch members resolve it. I love this branch though because we have so many Melchizedek Priesthood holders. We got to confirm Blanco and his wife and one of his sons. There should be some photos attached to this. It's been a great week especially having a great baptism and President Mehr there to see it. That's all folks!
In Green Grass Valley there are pools and puddles but no lakes or water.
-Elder Brown

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